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About Me

My name is Eniola, an enthusiastic Yoruba language teacher and content creator. I use my passion for the Yoruba language to help people of all sorts learn and improve their Yoruba language skills via my Yoruba language podcast lessons that are available on all major streaming platforms, Yoruba video lessons available on YouTube, books and online courses.

I Speak Yoruba Too started as a hobby out of boredom in July 2020 due to the covid_19 lock down. The first few weeks of the lock down was super frustrating and unbearable, it is something myself and many others never experienced before, but being an enthusiastic language learner myself, the idea to teach Yoruba language was developed.

My teaching styles and topics were well appreciated and loved by listener around the globe which gave me the motivation to make my hidden passion for Yoruba language that was discovered due to Covid_19 in to a career. I Speak Yoruba Too became a LTD company in November 2022.

I welcome projects that encourage and support the exposure of the beautiful Yoruba language, if you would like to carry and/collaborate with me, please contact me at anytime.

Thank you for checking out my website. Let's learn Yoruba together, YOU CAN DO THIS!